Farhan Ahmed
Mobile : +91 9990808890
E-Mail : farhan@nivalsamuday.org
Nival Samuday kalyan Sangh (Weaker section, Weaker Federation) New Delhi is a non- governmental not for profits, voluntary organization. The society is registered under govt.of NCT of Delhi as per society’s registration act-21 , 1860. Registration no.-4053/1968-69 dated 24th feb, 1969. It is affiliated to NEHRU YUVA KENDRA, Meharuli, New Delhi, an autonomous body of the Ministry of youth affairs & sports, govt of India. The organization for the 41 years is engaged in various activities of enhancing the socio-economic condition for rural & urban masses in general and poorest of poor among them in particular. It has pursued holistic approach for integrated development of people in the rural/urban areas of Delhi.
Gerontology has been main area of concern, education, Health, environment, mid day Meal, ICDS, Computer Education, Vocational Training, cutting & tailoring centre, beauty culture training centre , crèches , awareness of road safety , pollution control , skill development , personality development , Nukkad Natak for social issues , street children, child development, skill development, awareness generation & sensitization ,Livelihoods ,women empowerment , youth work , community development are recently it has attempted to make its presence felt in area of SHG and PLHA(people living with HIV/AIDS ).
The society is registered under 80G and 12 a of the income tax act, 1961. The office of the commissioner of income tax has issued a permanent Account Number ( PAN ) to the society.
Our vision is to help out the deprived section of the society, caught in needy circumstances and facilitate to enable them attain standards of life.
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Mobile : +91 9990808890
E-Mail : farhan@nivalsamuday.org
Mobile : +91 9868167525
E-Mail : shewta@nivalsamuday.org
Mobile : +91 9868167525
E-Mail : tarushi@nivalsamuday.org
Mobile : +91 9899362221
E-Mail : puneet@nivalsamuday.org